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Eyelash and eyebrow colour graphite, 15 ml.

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This brand new range of shades for professional use has been exclusively designed to achieve optimal results when used with the LASHUS system.

One tube is enough for approximately 30 treatments. They can be used for both eyelashes and eyebrows and can be used for hair colouring as part of an eyelash lift, eyebrow veneer or as part of a stand-alone colouring service.

Contains phenylenediamines (all colours)
Contains resorcinol (black, dark brown and light brown only)


Water (Aqua), Cetearyl Alcohol, Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, p-Phenylenediamine, m-Aminophenol, 2, 4, Diaminophenoxyethanol Sulfate, 2, 6-Diaminopyridine Ammonia.


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Maišydami su 3% kreminiu dažų oksidantu (Cream Tint Developer), naudokite vieną dalį dažų vienai kreminio dažų oksidanto daliai (santykiu 1:1).

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Eyelash and eyebrow colour graphite, 15 ml.
Eyelash and eyebrow colour graphite, 15 ml.
Eyelash and eyebrow colour graphite, 15 ml.
Eyelash and eyebrow colour graphite, 15 ml.