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OstroVit Supreme taurine 1500 mg, 120 caps

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Perkant 2+ 5% nuolaida €7.95 €7.55
Perkant 3+ 10% nuolaida €7.95 €7.16

Taurine is an amino acid that often plays an important role in the body. Various dietary supplements, such asOstroVit Supreme Taurine, can provide an additional dose of taurine. Some of the potential benefits of taurine include:

  1. Maintaining energy levels: Taurine can be involved in the regulation of the body's energy processes, so it is sometimes used to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.

  2. Heart health: Taurine can have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system by helping to regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

  3. Neurological effects: Taurine may be involved in the function of neurotransmitters that regulate brain activity. This can affect mood and stress.

  4. Antioxidant properties: Taurine is an antioxidant that can protect cells from free radical damage.


Taurinas, kapsulės apvalkalas (želatina, išgrynintas vanduo).

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1 porcija: 1 kapsulė. Gerkite po vieną porciją per dieną tarp valgymų.

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OstroVit Supreme taurine 1500 mg, 120 caps
OstroVit Supreme taurine 1500 mg, 120 caps
OstroVit Supreme taurine 1500 mg, 120 caps